89c51 porting problem

Hi all, I’ve tried to make a porting for 89c51, modifing the cygnal porting, eliminating the reference to sfr paging in the porting file. Now i’ve some problems: how i can modify the freertosConfig to adeguate the configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE and the configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE to the internal Ram (512 byte)? when i run sdcc whith this option --model-small -I. -I../Source/include -I../../Source/portable/SDCC/MyBoard -DSDCC_MyBoard –debug –less-pedantic –stack-auto –int-long-reent –float-reent main.c ../../Source/tasks.rel ../../Source/queue.rel (…etc..) the output is: ?Aslink-warning-Definition of publicc symbol ‘_EA’ found more than once: library: (the library path)libsdcc.lib, module:_setjmp ?ASlink-error-could not get 6150 consecutive bytes in internal RAM for aerea DSEG. tnk

89c51 porting problem

I don’t think you will achieve much in 512 bytes.