FreeRtos +FAT Native API

Hi everyone, I´m new in the FreeRTOS environment and I´m trying to work with the SDCard as a log space, I´ve succesfully read and written the logs but I haven´t found an api for check the space left on the SD, in other words, the space available in the SDCard. I´m using the FreeRtos +FAT Native API. Does anyone know how can I do it? Thanks in advance.

FreeRtos +FAT Native API

Hola Juan Carlos, When you mount a disk partition, you create a FF_Disk_t. That object has an I/O manager, which you can find with: ~~~ FFIOManagert *sddisk_ioman( FF_Disk_t *pxDisk ); ~~~ Please use the following: ~~~ FFIOManagert pxManager = sddisk_ioman( pxDisk ); / The following will give an indication of the free disk space: */ pxManager->xPartition.ulFreeClusterCount pxManager->xPartition.ulNumClusters ~~~ have a look at include/ff_ioman.h for all details. Regards.

FreeRtos +FAT Native API

Thanks you very much, I will try it. Regards. Juan Carlos.