Tasks synchronization for TCP/IP sending and receiving data

Hi everyone, I am currently working on a project that involves a PC as a TCP/IP client and 12 ESP32’s as TCP/IP Server. My goal is to have the ESP32’s collect data from an ADC via SPI, then send those data to the PC. The PC will use multiprocessing to collect and process these data and send a command back to the ESP32’s. Based on the command received by the PC, the ESP32’s will perform certain control algorithms. I created a tcp/ip server tasks to setup the esp32 as server. This task then created another task to send data from ESP32 (TCP/IP server) to PC (TCP/IP Client) whenever the data buffer was full. I would like to create another task to receive commands (binaries) from PC after the PC has received and processed the data mentioned above
  1. Should I xEventGroupCreate() for the sending and receiving tasks then xEventGroupSync() to make sure the receiving task is done after the sending task with a xTicksToWait? Also, do I need to have xTaskCreate() even if I already have xEventGroupCreate()?
  2. If yes to the above, can you provide a code snippet to do this? Is there an example somewhere?
  3. If no, what would be the best way to ensure that the receiving task is done after the sending task?
I also see this in the freeRTOS documentation: ~~~ /* Bits used by the three tasks. */

define TASK0BIT ( 1 << 0 )

define TASK1BIT ( 1 << 1 )

define TASK2BIT ( 1 << 2 )


/* Use an event group to synchronise three tasks. It is assumed this event group has already been created elsewhere. */ EventGroupHandle_t xEventBits; void vTask0( void *pvParameters ) { EventBits_t uxReturn; TickType_t xTicksToWait = 100 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS;
for( ;; )
    /* Perform task functionality here. */
    . . .

    /* Set bit 0 in the event group to note this task has reached the
    sync point.  The other two tasks will set the other two bits defined
    by ALL_SYNC_BITS.  All three tasks have reached the synchronisation
    point when all the ALL_SYNC_BITS are set.  Wait a maximum of 100ms
    for this to happen. */
    uxReturn = xEventGroupSync( xEventBits,
                                xTicksToWait );

    if( ( uxReturn & ALL_SYNC_BITS ) == ALL_SYNC_BITS )
        /* All three tasks reached the synchronisation point before the call
        to xEventGroupSync() timed out. */
} void vTask1( void pvParameters ) { for( ;; ) { / Perform task functionality here. */ . . .
    /* Set bit 1 in the event group to note this task has reached the
    synchronisation point.  The other two tasks will set the other two
    bits defined by ALL_SYNC_BITS.  All three tasks have reached the
    synchronisation point when all the ALL_SYNC_BITS are set.  Wait
    indefinitely for this to happen. */
    xEventGroupSync( xEventBits, TASK_1_BIT, ALL_SYNC_BITS, portMAX_DELAY );

    /* xEventGroupSync() was called with an indefinite block time, so
    this task will only reach here if the syncrhonisation was made by all
    three tasks, so there is no need to test the return value. */
} void vTask2( void pvParameters ) { for( ;; ) { / Perform task functionality here. */ . . .
    /* Set bit 2 in the event group to note this task has reached the
    synchronisation point.  The other two tasks will set the other two
    bits defined by ALL_SYNC_BITS.  All three tasks have reached the
    synchronisation point when all the ALL_SYNC_BITS are set.  Wait
    indefinitely for this to happen. */
    xEventGroupSync( xEventBits, TASK_2_BIT, ALL_SYNC_BITS, portMAX_DELAY );

    /* xEventGroupSync() was called with an indefinite block time, so
    this task will only reach here if the syncrhonisation was made by all
    three tasks, so there is no need to test the return value. */
~~~ What am I supposed to do with this: ~~~ if( ( uxReturn & ALLSYNCBITS ) == ALLSYNCBITS ) { /* All three tasks reached the synchronisation point before the call to xEventGroupSync() timed out. */ } ~~~ Thanks, Khoi