Hello, When compiling in the vSuicidalTask demo function I’m getting this: undefined first referenced
symbol in file
——— —————-
portTASKCALLSSECUREFUNCTIONS ./FreeRTOS/Demo/Minimal/death.obj So, what is the portTASKCALLSSECURE_FUNCTIONS() supposed to be? (I assume I could stub this – but wanted to know what it should be.) I’m currently using the CCS tools from TI (v ) and my target device is the TMS320F28069 port; I’m currently using the port from Ivan Zaitsev; and have only made a slight change in the critical nesting thus far; and that shouldn’t have anything to do with that function/macro. I did search for this but I didn’t readily turn up much; of course my search was not exhaustive. Thanks In Advance, John W.


This should get defined to nothing if it is not implemented. Are you using source file from multiple different FreeRTOS versions, so maybe it appears in a .c file from a newer FreeRTOS version but doesn’t get defined away because you are using header files from an older FreeRTOS version? (The macro is used in an ARM V8-M port that is not published yet).


Richard, No – since there’s no official port yet for the TMS320F2x series from TI – I’m using the latest plus I just grabbed an old demo (not using any files) other than the main.c from that demo and modifying it – but as far as I know there’s no legacy stuff there. Maybe something is missing from FreeRTOSConfig.h that is new that I don’t know about? Thanks, John


Not to get too far afield here – have any ideas on how to use the RTOS INT that’s included in this architecture? I will admit I’m disappointed what TI-RTOS ‘is’ – I had been under the impression it was largely a port of FreeRTOS and a whole sale replacement for SYS-BIOS. I don’t even want to say publicy my reaction when I found out not only is it not FreeRTOS – but SYS-BIOS is still required. And, it appears some details on how to use RTOS INT are not exposed; but I’m digging into that now – again, some of this is a little surprising. Just my 2cents as they say…. 😉


See line 761 (at the time of writing) here: https://sourceforge.net/p/freertos/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/FreeRTOS/Source/include/FreeRTOS.h


Can you elaborate on RTOS INT?


Yes – the C28x architecture has what they call the RTOS INT – but it apparently isn’t an RTI like in other families. The Hecules family has an RTI, as well as some of the other DSP’s TI has; but there are no explicit RTI registers that I have found on the C28x even though there is an RTOS INT; apparently only useful for real-time debug according to some of the documentation. For the Hercules, for instance: static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt(void) { /* Disable timer 0. */ portRTI_GCTRL_REG &= 0xFFFFFFFEUL;
/* Use the internal counter. */
portRTI_TBCTRL_REG = 0x00000000U;

/* COMPSEL0 will use the RTIFRC0 counter. */
portRTI_COMPCTRL_REG = 0x00000000U;

/* Initialise the counter and the prescale counter registers. */
portRTI_CNT0_UC0_REG =  0x00000000U;
portRTI_CNT0_FRC0_REG =  0x00000000U;

/* Set Prescalar for RTI clock. */
portRTI_CNT0_CPUC0_REG = 0x00000001U;
portRTI_CNT0_COMP0_REG = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / 2 ) / configTICK_RATE_HZ;
portRTI_CNT0_UDCP0_REG = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / 2 ) / configTICK_RATE_HZ;

/* Clear interrupts. */
portRTI_INTFLAG_REG =  0x0007000FU;

/* Enable the compare 0 interrupt. */
portRTI_SETINTENA_REG = 0x00000001U;
portRTI_GCTRL_REG |= 0x00000001U;
} Which is straightforward. Here’s something that was mentioned on one of TI’s wikis: http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/SYS/BIOSforthe_28x mportant: Significant enhancements were made in SYS/BIOS 6.32 to support 28x devices. We recommend that you use SYS/BIOS 6.32.01 or a later version with 28x devices. If you want to see some discussion on this on TI’s E2E site – I’ve started a thread here; I can send a link if you want to see that. Just an FYI – under the c28 port, I have all of the HRCAP IRQ’s running plus one EPWM running; but using CPU timer 2. There is a way to enable ‘real-time-mode’ as well.