DHCP Malformed Packet

Hello, I run FreeRTOS+TCP Labs Build 150114 example and sniffing DHCP packet with wireshark I see many packet with [Malformed Packet], after few hours (lease time is 10 minutes for testing) the ip address of the board is set to default ip address. Someone have the some problem ? Thank you Massimo

DHCP Malformed Packet

Hi Massimo, you are using one of the oldest Labs releases (from January 2015). The current release is 160919. I recommend that you upgrade your project to that version. You may also upgrade the kernel (to 9.0.0) but that isn’t necessary. But as I haven’t seen malformed DHCP packets yet, could you attach a small PCAP file that shows some of those packets? You can filter DHCP packets with “udp.port==67”