Unable to compile the code

I have included the header files and I have verified if the path of each file is correctly identified by the compiler. Still when I try to build the program it shows undefined reference to ‘vTaskStartSchedular’ and ‘xTaskCreate’. I am also not sure what to do with timer.c, coroutine.c, and other C files.

Unable to compile the code

here is the screen shot

Unable to compile the code

Have you included the FreeRTOS source files in your project? those would be things like tasks.c, queue.c, timer.c etc. Those are the files where the code for the functions of FreeRTOS are defined.

Unable to compile the code

Yes, all infact I have copied all the header files, source files (.h and .c) in the same folder itself. Then it gives the following error. I don’t where pvPortMalloc is defined.

Unable to compile the code

Yes, all infact I have copied all the header files, source files (.h and .c) in the same folder itself. Then it gives the following error. I don’t where pvPortMalloc is defined.
Google would probably find it: https://www.freertos.org/a00111.html From the screenshot it looks like the following will be helpful too https://www.freertos.org/a00110.html#configSUPPORTSTATICALLOCATION

Unable to compile the code

Okay, I managed to solve that errror but now it shows this , undefined reference to ‘ulGetRunTimeCounterValue’.

Unable to compile the code

What have you done to try and rectify this problem. For example, in your screen shot it shows that this code only builds if configGENERATERUNTIME_STATS is set to 1. Do you have it set to 1? Did you intend having it set to 1? Did you google the constant on the FreeRTOS.org website so you can find its documentation?