Compilation error – FreeRTOS-simulator-for-Linux

Hi, I’m a Newbie in freertos. I downloaded the source code from and tried building the source code in eclipse environment (ubuntu 12.04.3).Also tried to do make all from Debug directory. I get series of linker errors: ./AsyncIO/PosixMessageQueueIPC.o: In function xPosixIPCOpen': /home/sathish/Posix_GCC_Simulator/FreeRTOS_Posix/Debug/../AsyncIO/PosixMessageQueueIPC.c:44: undefined reference tomqopen’ /home/sathish/PosixGCCSimulator/FreeRTOSPosix/Debug/../AsyncIO/PosixMessageQueueIPC.c:47: undefined reference to mq_unlink' /home/sathish/Posix_GCC_Simulator/FreeRTOS_Posix/Debug/../AsyncIO/PosixMessageQueueIPC.c:85: undefined reference tomqnotify’ ./AsyncIO/PosixMessageQueueIPC.o: In function vPosixIPCClose': /home/sathish/Posix_GCC_Simulator/FreeRTOS_Posix/Debug/../AsyncIO/PosixMessageQueueIPC.c:96: undefined reference tomqclose’ /home/sathish/PosixGCCSimulator/FreeRTOSPosix/Debug/../AsyncIO/PosixMessageQueueIPC.c:99: undefined reference to mq_unlink' ./AsyncIO/PosixMessageQueueIPC.o: In functionlPosixIPCSendMessage’: /home/sathish/PosixGCCSimulator/FreeRTOSPosix/Debug/../AsyncIO/PosixMessageQueueIPC.c:110: undefined reference to mq_send' ./AsyncIO/PosixMessageQueueIPC.o: In functionlPosixIPCReceiveMessage’: /home/sathish/PosixGCCSimulator/FreeRTOSPosix/Debug/../AsyncIO/PosixMessageQueueIPC.c:131: undefined reference to mq_receive' ./AsyncIO/PosixMessageQueueIPC.o: In functionvPosixIPCEmpty’: /home/sathish/PosixGCCSimulator/FreeRTOSPosix/Debug/../AsyncIO/PosixMessageQueueIPC.c:148: undefined reference to mq_receive' ./AsyncIO/PosixMessageQueueIPC.o: In functionprvPosixIPCInterruptHandler’: /home/sathish/PosixGCCSimulator/FreeRTOSPosix/Debug/../AsyncIO/PosixMessageQueueIPC.c:177: undefined reference to `mqnotify’ collect2: ld returned 1 exit status Can anyone let me know where would i get those missing files /libs which have all these defintions? Thanks Best regards Sathish

Compilation error – FreeRTOS-simulator-for-Linux

Sorry for the delay replying – for some reason I missed your post. The port you are using is a ‘contributed’ port rather than an official port, so no not supported by us. All the same I would give you an answer if I could, but as I’m not familiar with the port or with Linux I’m afraid I’m no wiser than you on this one – although I do note that Googleing “undefined reference to mq_unlink” in quotes brings up lots of results. Regards.

Compilation error – FreeRTOS-simulator-for-Linux

I reproduced the error and indeed, in Linux, there’s an issue when compiling the POSIX simulator (build log at I mailed the author of the port. Let’s wait for his feedback.

Compilation error – FreeRTOS-simulator-for-Linux

I had the same error and in my case it can be resolved by putting the -lrt at the end of the link statement instead of somewhere in the middle. This needs to be done in all the files and the makefile in the root of the Release directory as well (In case you build the Release). Happy building Regards, Ronny