FreeRTOS Demo on CCS v8 import not possible

Hi, I´m trying to import a demo application from FreeRTOS (CORTEXM4FMSP432LaunchPadIARCCSKeil) to CCS, step by step with the manual (File > import> Code Composer Studio > CCS Projects). Whenever I select the named file and want to finish, following error appears:
Import failed for project 'RTOSDemo' because its compiler definition is not available. The project does not appear to be a CCS Project. Please try importing it using the 'General > Existing Projects into Workspace' wizard.
When I try to Import it t the suggested way, I tells me I should try it with Code Composer Studio > CCS Projects. Does anybody know what to do? Thanks

FreeRTOS Demo on CCS v8 import not possible

I don’t have CCS installed at the moment to try it, but it could be an issue with incompatible versions of tools. Are you able to open and build other MSP432 projects?