WolfSSL with FreeRTOS´s IP stack.

Hi, Has anyone ever used the FreeRTOS own TCP/IP stack with WolfSSL library? I looked at WolfSSL source code, and I did not see an option for use of FreeRTOS TCP/IP stack, only lwIP. The WolfSSL library is the one that come with the FreeRTOS-Plus download. I´m using FreeRTOS 8.2.3. Thanks.

WolfSSL with FreeRTOS´s IP stack.

Hi Rafael, yes it is available. I tested it on a Xilinx Zynq.But it should work equally well on other fast CPU’s. If you don’t mind, can you clone from https://github.com/htibosch/wolfssl I would like to refer you to their official git repo: https://github.com/wolfSSL/wolfssl but I didn’t get the changes accepted yet. A lack of time on my side. In wolfssl/wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h, you can un-comment this line: ~~~ #define FREERTOS_TCP ~~~ Please have a look and comment if you encounter problems. If you connect to me by email ( h [point] tibosch [at] freertos [point] org ), I can send you a testing project that works with FreeRTOS+TCP. Hein