Updating to FreeRTOS 8.2.2

I’m using STM32F107VC microcontroller I’m using Ride7 ver compiler RKit-ARM for Ride7 ver I have updated my project with RTOS from FreeRTOS 7.1.1 to FreeRTOS 8.2.2 I noted the following: In FreeRTOS 7.1.1 the function vPortYieldFromISR() was defined in the file port.c. Its prototype was in portmacro.h I used vPortYieldFromISR() inside a my IRQ routine (interrupt request). In FreeRTOS 8.2.2 vPortYieldFromISR() wasn’t defined and so I replaced vPortYieldFromISR() with vPortYield(). It seems all ok. Is the replacement correct ?

Updating to FreeRTOS 8.2.2

vPortYieldFromISR() is not intended for direct use, which means, as you have found out, as it it not part of the public API it can change. Please use the portENDSWITCHINGISR( x ) / portYIELFFROMISR( x ) macro instead, as demonstrated on various API documentation pages, for example: http://www.freertos.org/xTaskNotifyFromISR.html