Building AVR32 demo with Atmel AVR32 Studio

How can the AVR32 demo (from FreeRTOS v7.1.1) be built and debugged using AVR32 Studio (v2.6)? I have tried importing the demo source into AVR32 Studio and using the built-in build manager, but the build barely gets started before exiting in error. Is there a “How-To” guide on using AVR32 Studio to support the AVR32 demos? Thanks,

Building AVR32 demo with Atmel AVR32 Studio

The code in the FreeRTOS download is for the ES chips, the latest AVR32 code can be found in the AVR Studio package itself.    Example projects can be created using the wizards provided in the IDE.  The latest version of AVR Studio is called Atmel Studio 6, and this definitely contains pre-packed examples in the ASF (Atmel Software Framework). Regards.

Building AVR32 demo with Atmel AVR32 Studio

Thanks much for the info. Does the code in Atmel Studio 6 include the TCP/IP demo code? What is the difference between  AVR32 Studio 2.6 and Atmel Studio 6 with respect to AVR32 chips? Thanks,

Building AVR32 demo with Atmel AVR32 Studio

Does the code in Atmel Studio 6 include the TCP/IP demo code?
I believe it does, but would not be 100% sure.
What is the difference between  AVR32 Studio 2.6 and Atmel Studio 6 with respect to AVR32 chips?
Atmel Studio 6 is the latest and greatest, based on the Visual Studio IDE/framework, and covers the entire portfolio of Atmel MCUs. Regards.

Building AVR32 demo with Atmel AVR32 Studio

I loaded Atmel Studio 6 and it does contain the lwIP on AVR32 demo project. Thanks for your help.