new to 8.0 from 7.4.2

small things: 1) Line 142 of Task.h ” const char * const pcName;” is not digested by my compiler “WARNING (204) Ignoring space specifier (e.g. near, far, rom) on local, parameter or struct member” I removed the second ‘const’, I had forgotten about doing this before in 7.4.2. 2) I replaced the RTOS core files and I seem to be having trouble with errors on all lines containing the defined value PRIVILEGED_DATA. I assume I want it to be null for my port with no MPU. I can’t seem to locate the ‘correct’ method to do this without buggering the code. There are more errors but hard to see without correcting this first. 7.4.2 was working reliably for me, I expect 8.0 to be fine after the growing pains Thanks

new to 8.0 from 7.4.2

If portUSINGMPUWRAPPERS is not defined then PRIVILEGED_DATA is just defined to nothing, and should not generate any code, and so not generate any errors. What is the error message? Which compiler are you using? I guess you have read this page already but I will post the link for other readers

new to 8.0 from 7.4.2

Took me a long time (too long) to finally notice I forgot to add portmacro.h and the memmang.h to the new portable.h file. I guess I forgot this file was updated by the new version and NOT part of my port specific files. Only this issue remains:
1) Line 142 of Task.h ” const char * const pcName;” is not digested by my compiler “WARNING (204) Ignoring space specifier (e.g. near, far, rom) on local, parameter or struct member” I removed the second ‘const’, I had forgotten about doing this before in 7.4.2.
It’s easy to modify Task.h, but I’m trying to keep the RTOS source pure.

new to 8.0 from 7.4.2

I’ve never seen that warning before. Which compiler are you using? Regards.

new to 8.0 from 7.4.2

Zilog Tools ZDSII for the eZ80 Acclaim, 5.1.1. Definitely not a common realm with very light traffic. I have another compiler related comment. This compiler uses int (3 bytes – this processor has 24-bit registers) by default for all enums unless a type is specified. I don’t know of others do this too. If I were presses for RAM, specifying a smaller type would help.

new to 8.0 from 7.4.2

Forgot to say that at times ‘const’ is almost synonymous with saying place it in ROM. Type checking in general here is not very strong.