
Hello, I see this function prototype in FreeRTOSConfig.h but haven’t been able to find any references to it in the documentation. Looking at some examples I deduce that this is where you configure the timer interrupt to generate the OS tick. Can any one confirm this and hopefully point me to a place to find additional information on other constants and prototypes that are not documented? (for example the configYIELD_INTERRUPT_VECTOR which is also related to this function) Thanks, Horaico


Which port are you using?  I guess it is a ColdFire port, but that is only a guess without looking at the source code (which I don’t have in front of me right now).  Have you looked at the documentation page for the port you are using on the web site? Regards.


Hello, If I am not mistaken FreeRTOSConfig.h is a “core” configuration header which does not need porting, you only have to set the values of the constants in the file. The vApplicationSetupInterrupts function prototype and the YIELD_INTERRUPT_VECTOR constant are present in the FreeRTOS source download “source” folder, not in a specific port folder, so if this is just meant to be for a specific port this file is incorrect and has 2 bugs. I am making a new port and that is why I need clarity on this function. Cheers, Horacio


The vApplicationSetupInterrupts function prototype and the YIELD_INTERRUPT_VECTOR constant are present in the FreeRTOS source download “source” folder, not in a specific port folder
I’m pretty sure that is not the case, but you have not answered the questions I posed in my previous post so cannot comment further until you do. Regards.